Thursday, April 2, 2009

Addictive pain medication

Welcome To addictive pain medication

Author: redlogicsquare
Keywords: Economic Collapse medication prozac ativan pain killers legal drugs
Added: November 2, 2008

the Great Depression of the 1930s. 'Job losses have really hurt the economy and will continue to inflict pain for several months,' James Chessen, the ABA's chief economist, said in an interview. 'The greater the losses are, the more severe an impact it by Steve Esquire Sufferers of back pain have two main paths that they can go down for pain relief. There are natural remedies like massage therapy and there are synthetic remedies like pharmaceuticals. For certain conditions like chronic pain, pharmaceuticals to dull the pain may be appropriate. In ...

College Students Abusing “Smart Drugs�

On NPR this morning there was a segment on “smart drugs” or “study drugs” on college campuses. This isn’t a new issue, but it’s still an important issue. One that we need to continually talk to our college-age kids about. College students are using Adderall (or it...

Read the full post from Blisstree » Parenting

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